Upper Town Prepares for the 4th


A sure sign that July 4th is near.  These barricades were dropped off, on our lawns, and they will be put into service tonight.  There are fireworks every night on Harriet Island.  We have a great view from up on the bluff.  Cars park up and down the street, which is fine but when they run out of room they park down the middle, making it impossible for emergency personnel to get through if needed.   There are still many great spots to watch the fireworks from.

The 25th Annual Taste of Minnesota includes six days of entertainment, Market Place with more than 100 vendors, and a KidZone for family entertainment. For more information, please visit www.tasteofmn.org. 


For those visiting from other parts of the state, like Minneapolis, Harriet Island is easy to find.   Once you get within a mile or two just look up and see all the news helicopters hovering above downtown reporting on this important new breaking event.

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2 Replies to “Upper Town Prepares for the 4th”

  1. I miss when the Taste was at the Capitol. It seemed more “small town” then. I know the traffic was horrible for the neighbors and I’m sure the noise was worse. Amazingly, the last two nights we have sat on our front porch, almost 2 miles away and been able to hear the bands playing loudly! I can’t imagine how loud it must be at your house.

  2. I could hear it almost as well at the when it was at the capital. It still has the small town feel on the Island but the fireworks are on my side of the river and so loud that they shake the house. It is all kind of noisy and messy.

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