Universal printer repair

office -1918

I don’t print much these days but I have a wonderful wireless laser printer in my office. I can print from anywhere in my house. I can print from any device. This morning I couldn’t print at all. I tried a few times. The printer is so reliable I had to try a few times.

Then I remembered the universal fix for printers that won’t print. I learned it back in the day when we had a dot matrix printer on a 286 PC.

I turned the printer off and counted to 10 and turned it back on. It still didn’t print. Then I rebooted my computer.

Problem solved, printer fixed it prints.

Some things have changed since the early days of personal computers and printers and some things have remained the same.

If restarting had failed I would have moved on to using software type diagnostic. If that failed I would have messed around some settings and probably would have made things worse. If that had failed . . well lets not even think about that.

Being self-employed sometimes means being my own I.T. department and being able to help others with large PDFs and JPEGs.

Welcome to the first Monday in July.

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