Think before you garden

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When we first moved into our house there wasn’t much growing on the lot and I was all excited about getting to plant a garden and about doing some landscaping. I made some major landscaping mistakes that I am still recovering from many years later.

There are plants that I wish I had never planted and I am sure my immediate neighbors feel the same way. Knowing what I know today I would never have planted mint, chives, or morning glories. Especially not the chives. They grow everywhere and are just about impossible to kill.

I never would have mixed hostas and ferns because they fight with each other for territory every year. I am happy that I planted the rhubarb, my three plants produce for me faithfully every year with enough left over to give to my neighbors.

Here in St. Paul there are still some small garden centers where we can go to get advice. Any plant that is growing where i don’t want it to grow is a weed.

2 Replies to “Think before you garden”

  1. It has been interesting watching as hundreds of plants pop up in our garden. I guess I am a gardener now. I think I need to consult the previous renter for advice.

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      I would be happy to come over and identify plants. . . and weeds too.

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