The Republicans are coming, and my neighbors are leaving

Not really leaving, kind of but not forever.  I thought it would make a nice headline considering good old Minnesota, the very BLUE state of Minnesota is holding the 2008 Republican national convention.  The news media likes to say it is being held in Minneapolis or Minneapolis/St. Paul, but it is being held at the Xcel Energy Center in the Heart of St. Paul.  For the record there is no such city as Minneapolis/St. Paul, the term was created by the news media. Part of the reason I have this blog is so I can educate the general public and help put St. Paul on the map.


Last March I wrote about a post, The Republicans Are Coming  and have been getting email and phone calls for months because of it.  I know what you are thinking, and no I did not write anything bad this time. 

It seems that some of my neighbors are renting their homes out during the event.  I get why, we do live close to the Xcel center, and some want to avoid the hassle and make some money.   Again I digress, sleep working, a little late night blogging.

If you found my site while searching for a place to stay during the convention or are a neighbor who wants some advice, I say go to Craig’s list.  If you are a neighbor looking for a renter, go to Craig list.  If you are a neighbor who wants to sell, I say no way, if I have to stay you do too.  Besides I plan on making a small fortune selling donuts to the legions of law enforcement personnel that will be here and I could use some help.   I hope that doesn’t make me a bad neighbor.

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5 Replies to “The Republicans are coming, and my neighbors are leaving”

  1. I would hardly call Minnesota “very BLUE”. California is “very blue”. New York is “very blue”. Minnesota is “light blue” and has a definite streak of common-sense politics that cannot found in the bastian areas of strong liberalism.

  2. The birth place and home of Walter Mondale, and Hubert Humphry and it is light blue? One of the few states Carter won in the 1976 presidential election? Light blue?

  3. “From the land of sky blue waters, comes…” it was a beer commercial from the 1960’s… Hamm’s Beer? I can’t remember all of the words… “never stops refreshing …” ?? something like that. I am pretty sure it was a brand of beer out of Minnesota.

    I wonder why the Republicans would have their convention in a blue state? You have put St. Paul on the mpa. Yesterday when I saw “Minneapolis” on a list of blog belt cities in the world (from Business Week) I thought of you and Blogging Bonnie. Another MN real estate blogger, Teri questioned if it meant Minneapolis and St. Paul.

  4. If we learned anything from Ventura, it is this:

    Politically speaking, we make our own fun.

    I think that anyone of any political stripe has to have a few things in order to make it here. You have to be able to look people in the eye and give them a straight answer, for one. You have to show that you’re not above them (wearing a plaid shirt helps). Stuff like that.

    I’m sure the Republicans think they can make a few gains here, and frankly they can. Thing is that we are won over one person at a time through old-fashioned people politics. It’s about the same as we do everything else, really. You sell houses by earning personal trust, too.

    I love it when big shows come in from the outside, because they just aren’t all that Saint Paul about things. People here seem to be born with space age BS detectors that aren’t exactly set on “stun”.

    Let ’em have their show, it’s allright. We can take their money and show ’em a good time and still vote the way we feel like in November.

  5. Erik – I have voted for members of several parties. You do bring back memories of governor goofy and govenor grumpy. I actually liked them both. 🙂

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