by Erik Hare
Memorial Day is many things. It’s our first holiday since New Years, unless you get time off for Martin Luther King Day. It’s a day to honor those who died fighting for our nation, a sacred day first marked at the end of the Civil War. For many Minnesotans, however, it is more than anything the start of summer.
Summer is a lot of things. Soon, the kids will be out of school and can start the process of forgetting everything they learned this year – which takes about three days. It’s a time for picnics and patios, eating outside just because you can. The yard probably needs a bit of help, and Memorial Day is the traditional day when even the most cautious among us feels comfortable planting tomatoes in the belief that there will not be a frost after the season. It’s a season of hope, fun, and generally not having to think about stuff.
REALTORS are especially busy this time of year since most people like to move in the summer. They make most of their money over the summer in the same way that squirrels store up acorns to help them get through the long winter. So if you don’t hear from Teresa right away keep in mind that she’s probably as busy as the squirrels you see running around your yard for the first time since autumn.
We have a lot of festivals coming up to provide plenty of excuses to just hang around outside. June 7th is Grand Old Day, along Grand Avenue, the largest annual festival of street eats and outdoor music. There are many others throughout Saint Paul, proving to people that come for the Winter Carnival that we do know when it’s the right time to throw a big party – anytime!
Summer is a wonderful season to visit Saint Paul, especially since the alternatives aren’t so great. It’s when we get things done, hang out, and organize elaborate festivals just because we can. It starts right about now, too. Enjoy it!