stranger in the car

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  This one is a re-run but a true story.   I was waiting in my car to pick up a total stranger . . but a really nice stranger . . . on her lunch hour to show her some condos.  We met on the internet of course and corresponded by email before we decided to go on our first house hunting date.

Like most downtown workers her car was in deep storage and it doesn’t make sense to take two cars and pay to park them downtown so I offered to pick her up at her office.


I stopped by her office and parked exactly as she had instructed in the email she sent me and I sent her a text message letting her know that I was waiting for her and had arrived a tad early but told her there was no hurry.

A couple of minutes  later a woman walked up to my car, opened the door and got inside.  She fastened her seat belt and thanked me for being a little early.  I started to pull away from the curb while explaining which condos we would see first.

She asked me to stop the car and told me that she had gotten in the wrong car. I have no idea why but I started giving her a lecture on getting into cars with people that she doesn’t know. I should have asked her if she had a house to sell or if she was interested in moving closer to where she works. I could have turned my mistake into an opportunity for both of us.

Really I am not making this up.  It was bound to happen one day.  I often meet people I have never seen before in restaurants, coffee shops and in the office or at CoCo. It is just part of my job.

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