State fair time 2024

Nothing like the Minnesota State Fair and it starts today  (August 22th) and ends on Labor Day. I go to the fair every three to five years. Our state fair is the largest in the county by average daily attendance and the second largest in the country by total attendance. It is a big deal if you have never been you should go.

State Fair time is also a great time to check around for sales. I have purchased major appliances and gotten some great deals. Look for siding, window, and roofing sales. Visit the home improvement building at the State Fair.  

For me, the best days to go to the fair are the first couple of days when everything is still fresh. Going after dark or getting there when it opens is fun too. The State Fair changes a little every year but never really changes. I still remember going with my parents and grandparents when I was 5 years old.  My dad and Grandfather would head for Machinery Hill and the livestock barns.

My favorite exhibits are in the Creative Activities building, which isn’t for everyone. I won’t get to go to the fair this year but there is always next year.

ferris wheel
Gain wheel


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