Congatulations to the Franks on the sale of their South St. Paul home. We wish you all the best!
You were wonderfull to work with, your home was immaculate for every showing, making my job that much easier.
Thank you!
Welcome to Minnesota! or is it welcome back? We worked together on the internet together. They were in Paris, I was in St. Paul.
When they got here so we could look in person we went out and looked at a lot of houses and town houses in the 90 degree heat. There were a few that we could not get into because St. Paul REALTORS were getting new lock boxes and had to remove old lock boxes from their listings.
With so many homes to choose from it was a tough decision. The twin home in the picture has it all! No association dues, a small yard and a third floor that can be finished. Everything has been updated and painted so there really isn’t anything to fix.
Chad and Tiffany just bought their first home. The house is located on Eleanor Street in St. Paul. They have been renting a small apartment and can’t wait to move in and have some space.
The home has had a lot of updates, but I am sure the new owners will want to do even more. Good luck!
Congratulations on the sale of your home! 3486 Coachman Road, Eagan, MN
Rachael is one of those people that you meet and never forget. The first time I talked to her was in October of 2003. She left me a voice mail message that made me laugh. She said "I really need a REALTOR".
We have been through a lot since then. I sold Rachael’s townhouse in Plymouth, helped her buy the home in the picture and then sold it when she fell madly in love, got married to John and moved to Nevada. While she owned the home she sent me some wonderful clients. I met some of her friends and they became my friends. I miss her already but know that she will come to the twin cities from time to time and I will get to see her.
I am going to try to warn her new REALTOR in Nevada that she does not like yellow houses and that she has been known to look at several, or many houses before making an offer, but to be patient she will know it when she sees it. Oh and to make sure and write down the code that opens the garage door so that when Rachael gets locked out she can just call her REALTOR and get the number. 🙂 Good Luck!