
Img00628754784Friday again, marking the end of  another week and giving  me the opportunity to have some fun because Friday’s are for fun.

The picture is of my dog daisy.  I took it with my phone a couple of days ago.  She is a beagle, with papers even, of course she doesn’t know it which is a good thing.  If she did she would find the papers and chew them up, leaving me to clean up the mess.

She got her name because one of the first things she did when she arrived at our home two years ago was  try and eat some flowers I had in a flower box. 

She has had special training and attended obedience school with my husband.  They passed with flying colors which I don’t get  because my husband is still not at all obedient.    She has also had some advanced good citizen training, and is a candidate for search and rescue school. 

Daisy loves to go for a walk, almost as much as she loves chewing on my sandals, or stealing credit cards and other important items from my purse.  I can’t use the word walk, or even stroll around her because she just gets too exctied.  Spelling it out doesn’t work any more either.

I walk her in the early morning hours.  We often go a few miles and she wags her tail much of the time.  When we walk downtown or near the United Hospital Campus we encounter people who are walking to work.  They all have the same look on their faces.  Kind of like zombies, their faces have no expression on them, and they look like they are in some kind of a trance.   It is hard to imagine that they remember walking to work once they get there.

As I walk by them they glance at me and then look down.   I watch their faces, as they snap out of the trance, and then start to smile.  Usually a big smile.  It is almost universal.  Some people stop and pet her, as a mumble under my breath "don’t even think about it" because she sits but I know she wants to jump up  and put her dirty paws on someone’s nice clean work cloths and she is wondering if she can get by with it.  She responds well to hand signals but I think she makes sure she isn’t looking at my hands so she can have some fun. 

Daisy really is about fun.  All day everyday, and even on Friday, and always in a good mood and ready for a walk.

Have a great weekend.  I understand that the weather will be like the dog days of August.  I guess that means it will be fun. 

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4 Replies to “Smiles”

  1. aaaawwwwwwwwwwwww… she’s cute and she knows it! It’s nice to have someone (somedog?) to always smile at us, huh? Happy Friday

  2. Dogs have it made.

  3. Daisy’s cute. She looks like she’s saying “come on let’s go!” in that photo. Aren’t smart dogs are fun? I swear sometimes my dog has selective hearing. The comment about your husband was funny.

  4. “It’s a dog’s life” certainly isn’t an insult. I should have it as good as my dog!

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