

We have about five miles of skyways in downtown St. Paul.   A great place to take a walk during the cold winter months.  Try it some time. 


There is a map of the system, I like the one that the city of Saint Paul has on their web site.  I tried to find out which city has the biggest skyway system, Minneapolis or St. Paul but my sources don’t agree.  If anyone knows the answer, feel free to chime in, but be prepared to defend your answer. 🙂  There is a downside to the skyway systems.  In both cities downtown businesses that do not have a skyway entrance don’t get as much traffic as those that do. 

7 Replies to “Skyways”

  1. I wish I could use the skyways for my whole trip to Minneapolis next week. I just booked my rental car, and the taxes are 47% of the total cost. Ouch. Are you guys building a new professional sports stadium or something there?

  2. Minneapolis has St. Paul beat with over 8-miles of skyway. If you believe wikipedia!

    I just moved here and I love your blog!

  3. I looked in wikipedia, but I found other sources that had different numbers. I am going to call the city and find out. 🙂 and then update wikipedia

  4. I think the skyways are a really cool part of the city – definitely nice for fair weather business travelers (like I was once upon a time) who don’t want to get cold or wet between appointments! A really nifty idea!

  5. Jennifer – I think they were invented here so that people would go outside during the winter and shop. Without them I fear our economy would tank.

  6. A number of years ago I was in your neck of the woods for a business conference. Because I was unfamiliar with your “five miles of skyways” I got lost in one of them and couldn’t remember how to get back to the parking lot where I put my car. I searched for hours and almost gave up hope. I was leaning against a wall, hunched over, exhausted and almost crying when these two nice gents asked if I needed help. I finally found my way. Next time I visit, I’ll know better 🙂 From Chicago, Liz

  7. Liz – it happens, some people never come out, but considering how cold it is here it is an acceptable loss. Just kidding. 🙂 I know what you mean. My family had a store downtown and I spent a lot of time there so as the skyway’s were being built I explored each section. There are maps in the skyways but it is still confusing.

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