
by G. Sax (@gsax)

"You take the skyway, high above the busy little one-way."

– "Skyway," The Replacements

Skyway The skyway system in downtown Saint Paul almost literally connects every building in a 9 x 6 block radius.

To feel the true spirit of skyway culture, check out a weekday lunch rush. You'll find busy downtowners eating hurriedly in well-dressed packs, picking up dry cleaning, dropping off print jobs, depositing money, trying on new cross-trainers, getting in a quick workout…

The weekends are a different story. The second-story pathways are ghost on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, which is a damn shame. I suppose I may be shining an optimistic light on my teen past when I say it was much more lively in the skyways 25 years ago.

Yes, pockets of the central business district were certainly livelier, like Saint Paul Center and Galtier Plaza.

Saint Paul Center—made up of Town Square with its signature park area and Town Court with its signature fountain and World Tradeliness—was a shining example of urban renewal and excess. Galtier Plaza was always a bit of a stretch, but it was a nice destination through the skyways to Lowertown to get a stuffed toy gorilla, a frozen yogurt, or a ticket to a John Hughes movie.

And in between those anchors of commerce, the skyway system was a playground and could continue to be so for creative teens today. The comic book shops and fat slices of Sbarro's pizza may be gone, but the skyways are still a good setting for a game of tag with a group of friends. Set rules like no going outside and no going above the 2nd floor, and do your best to avoid the security guards.

I'm not condoning anything criminal, mind you. But I credit Saint Paul's skyways for honing my urban curiosity, and they're there for exploration. I still know my way around them better than I know downtown street names.

The next time you want to get from Crowne Plaza to Galtier Plaza without making a wrong turn, follow me.

One Reply to “Skyway”

  1. Teresa boardman says:

    I went downtown yesterday over the lunch hour just to go for a walk. Those skyways add up to miles and miles and if a person wants to there are many opportunities to take the stairs. A great place to walk when it is cold out.

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