Saturday's church

We have a special guest this week.  It is the Basilica of Saint Mary.   Located corner of Hennepin and N 17th Street in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Today everyone is invited to make the Pilgrimage and attend the annual Basilica block party, and they do know how to party.




The Basilica of Saint Mary was constructed between 1907 and 1915. It’s also the first Basilica in the United States, honored by Pope Pius XI in 1926.  Click for more history. 
What is a Basilica?  First and foremost it is a church.  The word Basilica, is a Latin word derived from a Greek word that I most likely can’t spell,  and was used to describe public buildings in Rome that were located at the center of a Roman town.

This building is gorgeous and the proceeds from the block party help keep it that way.  It takes a lot of money to maintain this important historic treasure.

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One Reply to “Saturday's church”

  1. Teresa, What a beautiful church! If I just look at the churches in a city, I can see some of the most amazing architecture. We have a Basilica in Denver. My niece got married there. I’ve been in there numerous times and just sitting there brings a certain level of peace and contentment.

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