Rich Vs Not Rich

I got some career advice yesterday and that was that I should only work with rich people and that because they can afford to buy several houses I should try to sell them more than one. People in the top 1% shouldn’t have any problem buying a nice home in each county of the metro area and I would be happy to help with that.

We live in a country where the top 1% controls over 35% of the wealth and the government too but no one really cares because people just figure if they work hard enough they will be in the upper 1% too. I am sure it can happen to me. I just need to work harder. 🙂

Pew Research

The chat was taken from an article by Pew Research [5 facts about income inequality]  If we look at some actual numbers income looks like this:

Top 1%: $380,354

Top 5%: $159,619

Top 10%: $113,799

Top 25%: $67,280

Top 50%: >$33,048

The economic recovery has not been equal across the board. The wealthiest Americans have made the greatest gains. The data is from 2010.

3 Replies to “Rich Vs Not Rich”

  1. I’m somewhat familiar with the figures but it still amazes me when I see them.

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      What amazes me is that so many think this is a good system that rewards hard work and that anyone can make it to the upper 10% or so.

  2. Yes. You hear stories about people that go from the bottom to the top but they are really unusual. Most people pretty much stay in the same category they were born in.

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