Resist the urge to buy storage solutions

Over the last few years, I have gotten rid of a lot of excess stuff. Probably half of my possessions. I have made few mistakes in determining what to keep and what to toss, donate, or recycle.

When I go to a big box home improvement store I am confronted with multiple options for storage. Before I buy I think about what I would use the storage for. Sometimes it is best to get rid of items rather than to store them.

I now have many empty plastic totes that were once used for storage. I got rid of many items that languished in storage tubs in the basement for years. What is the point of having possessions that are never used but always take up space and require storage?

My goal this summer is to eliminate the need for one of the tall shelving units I have in the basement. Almost everything on the shelving unit has been there since 2014.

storage containers


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