It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I don't want to sound like I am whining, which I am but this week has been remarkably un-fun. I like the word craptastic, it isn't a real word of course but if you have seen this site before you know that I am capable of writing several sentences without many real words in them.
The photo I have today isn't the kind of photo that I usually post on this blog. I like to show the prettiest parts of St. Paul. Most of St. Paul is beautiful but like any city we have some areas and places that could be described as blighted. I have quite a collection of photos of derelict houses and condemned buildings. I photograph them because I like to. I love some of the graffiti, it is amazingly artistic and I always hope that the people who do it will have the opportunity to use that talent in a more productive way. This shot didn't have too much going on for graffiti but the rust on the pillars, water on the floor and mineral deposits on the ceiling provided color and some interesting textures.
Taking these photos and a half a dozen more like them was my fun for the week. Maybe next week will be better, or maybe I will find some really cool graffiti somewhere or a boarded up building with rusty stuff inside. It could happen.