Real estate, lawyer, doctor or social worker?

Real estate agents often do more than sell houses. We can help people who are downsizing and we can recommend various professionals if repairs are needed or lawyers when real estate is inherited.

The real estate agent shouldn’t be the first call after a dementia diagnosis. Call a social worker first. Your doctor can give you a referral. You may also be able to get help/advice from Senior Linkage Line (A Minnesota thing) 1.800.333.2433. has resources for persons with dementia. Some services can help seniors with dementia stay in their homes.

Selling the house isn’t always the best solution. Generally, people can qualify for financial help with medical care and keep their house if it is their primary residence. Staying at home is less expensive than assisted living, which can easily cost $10,000 a month.

Selling the house and moving out isn’t always the best solution.  Aging in place and making plans to move at some point in the future might be a better option.

There is no safety net for Seniors and persons who are over 55 now make up over 20% of the homeless population and the number is growing. Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death among seniors in the US.

If you think you have dementia see your doctor.

Register to vote today

National elections are on November 5th 2024. We will elect a new president and depending upon which district you may be voting for a senator or representative too.

In Minnesota, voters can register at the polls but there are better and faster ways to register. Register today.  If you are going away to college or will not be home to vote this November, get your absentee ballot today.

You can check to see if you are registered to vote right now.

If you have recently moved you need to register. You can wait until election day and register at the polls but if you register ahead of time voting will be faster and easier.

There is early voting too starting September 20th and ending November 4th.

I’ll be writing periodic posts about the importance of voting which is voluntary but should be required. Every vote matters.

This year the presidential election lands on November 5th which is also my birthday. It happens that way every 28 years.

I have a feeling there will be much to celebrate.

Satisfaction surveys are not satisfactory


It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.   A couple of years ago I wrote a post about customer service, and I wrote it on a Friday even though Fridays are for fun and customer service is never fun. It used to be about pressing #1 for sales or #6 for support and being put on hold. Have you ever noticed that talking to a sales representative is almost always the first menu option?

Customer service has not changed much but now they have added a new feature the customer service survey. It isn’t all that new but we can count on a survey from just about every company we hire to provide a service. In fact, even getting an estimate will result in a survey.

If the plumber fixes the leak that we called him to fix we pay him but he expects more. We need to fill out a survey and rate his work. If he did what he was hired to do we are supposed to give him a five-star rating.

If you go to a doctor or dentist you will be asked to fill out a survey, before the appointment and after the appointment. To be fair the survey before the appointment asks the same stupid questions you may have answered a week ago.

Most surveys don’t have any questions that I would like to answer. They may ask me to rate the person who answered the phone. They never ask me to rate their surveys.

This week I called for estimates on some work I need on the house. In one case I got the satisfaction survey before I got the estimate.  If I call someone and ask for an estimate and they come out and look at my project they send a survey. When I set up the appointment I told them I don’t do surveys.  They sent one anyway.

Going forward I am going to tell service providers that there will be a survey surcharge of $100 and by sending me a survey they have agreed to pay it. I’ll put this information at the bottom of every email or online form I fill out for service. Even if they send $100 I am not going to fill out the survey.


State fair time 2024

Nothing like the Minnesota State Fair and it starts today  (August 22th) and ends on Labor Day. I go to the fair every three to five years. Our state fair is the largest in the county by average daily attendance and the second largest in the country by total attendance. It is a big deal if you have never been you should go.

State Fair time is also a great time to check around for sales. I have purchased major appliances and gotten some great deals. Look for siding, window, and roofing sales. Visit the home improvement building at the State Fair.  

For me, the best days to go to the fair are the first couple of days when everything is still fresh. Going after dark or getting there when it opens is fun too. The State Fair changes a little every year but never really changes. I still remember going with my parents and grandparents when I was 5 years old.  My dad and Grandfather would head for Machinery Hill and the livestock barns.

My favorite exhibits are in the Creative Activities building, which isn’t for everyone. I won’t get to go to the fair this year but there is always next year.

ferris wheel
Gain wheel


Know you neighbors

HouseLast year one of my neighbors asked me if I had seen a woman with white hair walking by. The missing woman was my neighbor’s mother who suffers from dementia.

I had no idea that the woman was living half a block away or I would have helped her find her way home when I saw her walking down the alley.

If you are caring for someone with dementia let your neighbors know. Providing care for someone with dementia is challenging and it isn’t unusual for people suffering from dementia to wander off.

Elders are living alone in our communities with dementia.  It helps to know your neighbors’ names and to keep an eye out for them.

In the coming years, we are going to see more seniors with dementia living among us because there are more seniors and people are living longer.

Also here are some resources for senior homeowners who want to age in place.

Buyer representation contracts in Minnesota

Monarch butterfly

In Minnesota, we have used buyer representation contracts for a few decades. Home buyers who are working with Realtors are required to sign an agreement with their agent. The agreement outlines the Realtor’s duties and how they will be paid.

As of last week, Realtors are required to have a written agreement with people who want to tour homes we listed for sale.

Previously, we could show anyone our listings without a contract or agreement with people who want a tour.  On the plus side, this new practice may weed out the holiday housing tourists who are just curious and have no intention of buying a house.

On the other hand, home buyers hate to sign anything, making it a struggle. It is easier to sell a house if we can show it to anyone interested without paperwork. I do not plan on charging anyone anything for showing my listings but I could and the new system makes charging a fee easier.

The good news is that contracts or agreements buyers sign with Realtors do not require the signer to buy a house. You can sign an agreement with a Realtor to go house hunting but that does not obligate you to buy a house.