Occupy Minnesota – Peoples Plaza

We Are the 99 Percent
We Are the 99 Percent

 It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  A protest called occupy wall street has been going on for weeks now.  I have been watching it with interest.  I ususally don’t do politics on this blog but something has to change.  I don’t know if the protests that are now sweeping the nation will make a difference but to date doing nothing has not worked either.  

The protests have spread to 60 cities and Starting at 9:00 this morning protesters will occupy the Hennepin County Government Plaza in downtown Minneapolis. See the OccupyMN.org site for details.  This is for people who think that something is wrong with our economic/political system.  One of the goals of this protest is to come up with a kind of unified mission statement.  

Also see we are the 99%

Also see occupy colleges

*photo credit We Are The 99%

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4 Replies to “Occupy Minnesota – Peoples Plaza”

  1. Thank you for this, I have been tweeting my support, and I hope to go to the Occupy Phoenix on October 15th.
    More info at http://occupyphoenix.net/.
    I am also putting politicians on notice they have 13 months to prove they are competent and honest.

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      The media seems to be more interested in the Olson twins 39K backpack . . in fact there are a plethora of problems today that don’t make sense to me

  2. I blame our brainless society for the existence of the Olson/Hilton/Spears/Kardashian phenomena. Do any of these people really matter?

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      no they don’t matter but sometimes they are a distraction. It is easier to think about celebrities than worry about not having health insurance or a job.

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