Non-business days

CalendarFor me it is almost always a business day but I don’t work on Thanksgiving unless you call cooking a turkey and making some pies and serving a meal for ten or more people work.

If you are buying or selling a home during the holidays you need to factor is some non-business days. This becomes especially important for the financing component of a home purchase or sale. Talk to your lender before making an offer and make sure the lender has enough business days to complete the loan underwriting process on time for your closing. I like to add a week to everything,

Most of my clients are in a hurry and don’t always take my advice which is why I consume more antacid tablets during the holidays than I do during the rest of the year. If it doesn’t work out because there were not enough business days for the lender to get the job done I never say: “I told you so” but I think it. I am a “can-do” kind of person but unfortunately the rest of the world is full of people who just “can’t” get the job done.

Be kind to yourself and to others and recognize that people take time off during the holidays to spend with their families and may struggle to make closing in less than 30 days or might not make the deadline at all.

Buyers who are making offers this week on homes for sale and who are not paying cash should be asking for a January closing.