I love my phone, I hate my phone.

It is Friday, and Fridays are for fun. I can not survive for very long without my phone and I lose it several times a week. Sometimes I am holding while I am looking for it.

Yesterday I lost it in my car and found it by calling myself with a friends phone. A couple of weeks ago I lost it at the downtown Farmer’s market.

I totally panicked when I reached for my phone and it wasn’t there. I retraced my steps through the market. I checked the Brussel sprouts (I love Brussel sprouts doesn’t everyone?) and the beets and went past the honey and checked the corn stand. I could not find it anywhere.

It is a good thing I did not report the phone missing because I found it in my other back pocket and not in the pocket I usually put it in. It gave me a good scare, maybe even a full-blown panic attack.

Once I left my phone at home by mistake. I had to drive 20 minutes or so to meet a client. I knew where the phone was and spent an amazing 90 minutes without it. I felt so free. I had the same feeling I used to get as a kid on the last day of school before summer break.  I’ll never forget that time I had without my phone. It was a happy peaceful time.

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