Where are the street cars?

Como Street Car Station

No I am not old enough to remember street cars.  They stopped running before I was born. This street car station is on Como and Lexington and is now a museum, it was built in 1905. People get married there too, the building and grounds are beautiful.

The street cars were replaced by buses and most of the tracks have been ripped up, I think they did that to get ready for light rail.  I sometimes wonder how our city would have evolved if the street cars system had not been dismantled.  Would we have added onto the system? Would there still be a line on university avenue? 

It is wonderful that the street car station is still there. It is an important part of our history. 

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One Reply to “Where are the street cars?”

  1. Beautiful photo. With all the awful things that happened with our streetcar system, it is great that a few pieces of its history still remain. The Selby Ave tunnel portal near the Cathedral is another favorite!

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