Minnesota is the best run state

MN state capital building
Minnesota State Capital

According to 24/7 Wall Street, Minnesota is the best-run state in America.

  • 2016 Unemployment: 3.9% (13th lowest)
  • Pension funded ratio: 79.8% (18th highest)
  •  Credit rating and outlook: Aa1/Stable
  • Poverty: 9.9% (6th lowest)

We have jobs with decent wages and more than 10,000 lakes. Yes, we pay state income taxes but we get a lot in return. We also have a beautiful newly renovated State Capital building.

Winter isn’t so bad if you dress for it. Spring, Summer, and Fall are amazing. We don’t have hurricanes and wildfires and earthquakes are rare. Mosquitoes are abundant but never in the winter.

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