July 4th 2007


Have fun today.  Stay away from your computer and go outside and play. 

Just a reminder, Minnesota made some fireworks legal in 2002, including sparklers, smoke bombs and trick noisemakers. But anything that flies high into air or explodes is still against the law

This year the St. Paul Police department has assigned an extra squad car in each district to respond to fireworks complaints.  Two years ago a friend and neighbors house was badly damaged because of a child playing with fireworks.  We are all thankful that the child was not injured but three homes were seriously damaged and the families that live in them had to leave  for several months while the homes were being repaired. 

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2 Replies to “July 4th 2007”

  1. Hi Teresa,
    thanks for the compliment on my blog site. coming from you, that is a HUGE honor.. I’m very new to this and excited beyond belief about what blogs can do..

  2. Brian,
    stay excited.

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