It is Time to Plan the garden


For Realtors spring is the busiest time of year, even in a bad year. I have had gardens for each of the last twenty years and each year I wonder how I am going to get it all in on time.  I have to wait for the soil to be dry enough to till and on that perfect day for starting the garden I may be out showing houses.

For me one of the joys of home ownership has always been gardening.  I started with a lot that had a house on it and nothing else.  Over the years it has been planted and landscaped.  One side of the house doesn't have grass at all, just native plants and hostas. It never needs to be mowed and requires little water or weeding.

The rest of it is a little harder to manage. I grow a lot of lilies and they tend to multiple so in the spring I dig some out and rearrange them a bit.  In the back yard I have a large vegetable garden.  This week I will buy some seeds and put them in little peat pots by the windows.  I could buy them at the nursery but planting them myself is more rewarding.

They will sprout in a week or so and eventually they will be placed on the back porch during the day and in the house at night and will be planted in the garden when the weather is right and when I am home to do it.

There isn't anything tastier than home grown tomatoes. In a good year I have plenty to share with neighbors and in a bad year I have enough for the family.  My daughter is a vegetarian and when she comes over in the summer she raids the garden on her way into the house.  

Gardening is also good exercise and for me a social activity as my neighbors stop by to chat.  I highly recommend it and now really is the time to start planning. One place to start is the Burpee web site.  The local nurseries and building stores have everything you need.