Red is a good color


Usually I save the weird stuff for Fridays but today seems like the perfect day to post a photo of a valve or two. I now have a vast collection of valve photos. I need to share them. I am putting together some data . . you know those nice real estate numbers on the pretty charts but I didn't get them done in time for this post.  It seems that my web site just vanished last night.  I have a theory about where it went and I am sure it won't come back on it's own. 

I don't have time to find it or fix it right now so I spent some quality time late last night creating some pages off of this blog so that people don't click on broken links and get ticked off.  In one case I left the link in place but mentioned that it leads to a blank white page. I did that as a kind of experiment. 


I think it is OK to take pictures of valves.