The Boardman Group Three Years Later

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  In 2006 on a Friday I wrote a post about The Boardman Group.  Teams are very popular in Real Estate but most are made of people and that causes all kinds of problems for me, so my team is made up of electronic devices, and I call it The Boardman Group.   It makes for an interesting holiday party because instead of passing out year end bonuses and drinks I give them fresh batteries and maybe a good cleaning.  My team is fairly large but these are the key members.


Meet Miles

Today most of the members of the team I had in 2006 have retired.  The only member who still remains is Miles my trusty, infallible GPS.  Miles has been all over town with me and around the country.  Always there telling me where to go and how to get there.  I paid about twice as much for him as most people pay for a GPS these days but he is worth every penny of it and best of all he doesn't need batteries, I just plug him in and go.  I still argue with Miles but usually end up doing what he suggests. Black-Friday-BlackBerry

Meet Berry

I had to replace Berry the blackberry several years ago. In fact I think I am on my 4th device.  I  wear them out and as I recall Berry had to be replaced because I wore out the keyboard. I understand why they are called crackberry's.  Today I use a Blackberry Bold on a 3G network. The dang thing does it all, and has some killer applications, including the ability to make phone calls.  Kind of old fashioned I know but I still call people and they call me. Now I can poke them on facebook while we are talking all on the same device. 

Donna Dell the laptop had to be replaced.  She was a good laptop, probably the best that I ever owned and I miss her.  She was replaced by an HP laptop a few years back.  She didn't haveCanonxtifront the built in web cam and her screen was smaller.  I have not given the HP a name, to be honest it just doesn't have much personality and will probably need to be replaced next year.  I have not gotten too attached so it won't be hard. 

I still have the Canon Elph camera, it still works but I have not used it in years.  It was replaced a couple of years ago by a Panasonic Lumix, but my weapon of choice is my Canon Digital Rebel.  For the last two years most of the photos on this blog have been taken with a Rebel.  People ask me what kind of camera I use.  It is true that with the right camera every photo comes out perfectly, and I take about 10,000 a year.  I had to buy a 1TB hard drive just for photos.  Interior and architectural photography have become a passion.  I like to make my listings look as artistic and appealing as possible.  I guess they call it marketing.   It isn't hard to take pictures that really stand out on our MLS, but it is a lot of fun. 

Meet Nettie

Gateway-netbook Last year I added a new member to the team, a Net Book.  She has been a real work horse.  Small and light with a battery that lasts all day.  Not powerful enough to process my enormous photos but great for the internet and for writing blog posts.  I can tether her to Berry on those rare occasions when I don't have internet access and need it.  Nettie goes everywhere with me and is great for travel.  I store most of her data in the cloud, and she is backed up over the internet after each use. Nettie also has a PC version of the kindle software on her that I really like.

My team is fairly low maintenance and easy to work with. They don't ask for raises or call in sick. They all work hard but they can be replaced if that changes and they are all tax deductions.    I don't have a photo of myself on my business card like other Realtor's have but if I did it would have to be a picture of the team.

4 Replies to “The Boardman Group Three Years Later”

  1. Hey, our teams are similarly structured! You are so stinkin’ creative I love reading your stuff… have a great day T

  2. Brilliant! Observing your deliberations is a study in ‘real’. Kudos!

  3. I LOVE this. I think I would have to add my 2 cats and dog to my “team” of electronic devices however. I consider them my office mates.

  4. Teresa boardman says:

    The dog and cat spend most of the day on my office but they sleep through it so I don’t count them.

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