The Oatmeal Artist

Picnik collageIt is Friday and Fridays are for fun but this is more of a Saturday post because every Saturday I eat breakfast at the Downtowner with my family.

They are known for Moe's Cajun breakfast and I have to say it is wonderful, but in the winter I eat oatmeal and it is served by Pavel the oatmeal artist. It is an unusual medium for an artist to work in but like most artists Pavel has an imagination and it is possible that he is the only oatmeal artist on the planet. 

I take a photo of it with my phone and post it on my mobile blog.  I am not sure why they call it a mobile blog, it has been in the same place for more than three years now, but there are a lot of things I don't understand and probably never will.

Pavel comes up with all kinds of interesting ideas and recently took it to a new level with his innovative internet friendly ".com" oatmeal.  I would be afraid to bring the stuff near my keyboard but  it does seem innovative.

When Pavel goes on vacation I usually order a waffle with blueberries because the oatmeal just doesn't seem right with out the oatmeal artist.