The ipad

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. This was a big week because of the launch of the ipad.  If you know anything about blogs and traffic having the term ipad on my blog today will create a lot of traffic and that is why I am writingIpad about it.  Most people who do that type of thing don't mention it especially not right away.

The ipad looks pretty cool and I would not mind having one to add to my collection of electronic toys.  My mother already said that she wants one for Christmas.  I am pretty sure she isn't the demographic Apple had in mind when they designed the thing but as soon as it was announced she sent an email where she wrote "want ipad" about ten times. I won't say how old she is because my dad reads this blog and will tell her that I wrote that she is in her 80's.  The ipad seems like it would be safer for an octogenarian than an iphone because she wouldn't be able to talk on it while she is driving.

It is too bad about the name, I wonder who chose it?  Oh well life goes on and so does apple.

Have a great weekend, stay warm and buy some real estate we are all counting on you! 


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One Reply to “The ipad”

  1. I get the name – it makes sense. iPod + thin like a legal pad = iPad.

    It probably should have been spit-balled with a few more people.

    A lot of people point out the Apple does not engage in social media and transparency, this might be a good argument for some crowd-sourcing.

    Wow! I threw a lot of 2.0 buzz words in that comment

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