I bike

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I really enjoy biking and am considering an electric bike this year. I read about tax incentives for electric bikes. Seems to me there should be tax incentives for bikes that are powered by humans instead of batteries but what do I know.

Minnesota is offering rebates on electric bikes but with a twist.  A person needs to get a rebate certificate before buying the bike to get the rebate. There is an application process through the Minnesota Department of Revenue.

The website and only place to apply for a rebate certificate opened and crashed and apparently died on June 5th, 2024 (R.I.P) moments after it went online. (or did it ever even go live?) We don’t know when or how applications for rebates will be available.


MN Department of Revenue rebate application website

I am not a fan of rebates or Minnesota government websites. I can’t help but wonder what is going to happen to the 2 million dollars allocated for the electric bike rebate program. Will the funds be used to build a better website?

On May 25th of this year I road in the Med-City Meander in Rochester Minnesota. I rode 30+ miles on my old-school manual bike.

rest stop - medcity meander
Rest stop in downtown Rochester Med-City Meander May 25, 2024


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