How is business?

Pink sander It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  The word business in the title doesn't look fun but after a week packed full of trauma and drama it was the best that I could do.

Some of the trauma was business related and the rest was from spending many hours running power tools and heavy equipment as I refinished a 150 year old wood floor.  The floor is made of fir but it is old growth fir, the grain is different and so is the color. They stopped using the wood long ago when they ran out, and it will be a long time before there is any more if ever. The floor came out fine but I ache from head to toe and am a bit more tired and even more cranky than usual . . who knew that was even possible?

The drama comes from my business. Understandable, buying or selling a house is a very big deal and there is always drama but I do everything I can to keep the trauma to a minimum. Usually I come out more damaged than my clients which is why I have that nervous twitch and sometimes I can't stop laughing which isn't as bad as when I can't stop crying.

A few days ago I chatted with a lender in the elevator lobby near our office in downtown St. Paul.  We have not seen each other for awhile and spent some time catching up.  He asked me the question, the one I really hate:  How is business. This is what I told him:

Business is wonderful.  Houses are selling quickly and for top dollar. Kind of like 2005 all over again.  They all appraise, the financing works out and they close on time.  With the buyers I show them half as many houses as I used to and every offer I write is accepted without a counter. The banks are great to deal with, they always return my phones calls, quickly acknowledge offers and say please and thank you.  I am not sure what to do with all the money I am making, it is just too much!  Life is good!  How can they say we are in a recession? What recession?  How is business for you?

He laughed so hard he was almost doubled over and told me that when the real estate gig ceases to be fun I should try stand-up comedy.  Sadly not many would get the humor, just those of us who work as Realtors or lenders.  Our clients would get it too.

If you want to stay on my good side which isn't easy because if I have one it has never been found . .   . . . PLEASE don't ask me how business is.  It is wonderful and that is all I will say . . unless you need a good laugh, or want to buy me a drink, then I will tell you more.(I love martinis)

You can ask me how the floor looks. 🙂 . . They don't really make pink sanders but they should.

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5 Replies to “How is business?”

  1. Teresa, this post made me smile–thank you! And yes, business here in Arizona IS good as well. 🙂

  2. Wow I for sure can relate about the RE business and your floors sound beautiful. I think the pink was the perfect picture for breast cancer awareness.

  3. Great article 😉 I am a Dallas Realtor and business is really picking up here. For me, I believe it’s because a lot of the first time home buyers are wanting to take advantage of the $8k tax credit before it expires. I’ve been so busy and stressed, but try not to show it with my clients.

  4. Teresa Boardman says:

    busy here too but that doesn’t always mean business is good, just busy.

  5. I thought you were serious! I hope that all those things you said were happening occur very soon in the future for you.

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