Happy Birthday

Happybirthdaycake Happy Birthday to Larry Cragun,  a  blogger who likes to Undress things, or stuff, or maybe ideas, or something like that. 

Everyone is special, or unique but some are more unique than others, maybe especially unique.  It is times like these that I wish I could write.  Larry, if that is his real name,  is all of those things and more, and he can write. ( Another carnival win too!)

Please enjoy a piece of this virtual cake.  I am sorry that it doesn’t have more candles on it.  Here in St. Paul we need a special burning permit for large fires.  Mine was declined when I told them how many candles I planned on using. I thought they would issue it when I showed them the fire truck on the last post.

The friendly folks at six apart, where my blog is hosted, didn’t like the idea of candles, and made me limit them.   They were concerned that I would start a fire and burn my own blog down and those of my neighbors, like the number one real estate blog, Grow a Brain,  in the huge blog across the street.   As it is blog values took a nose dive when St. Paul Real Estate moved in so I have to be on my best behavior, hard for me.  Larry, be thankful that you do not have to behave, I suspect that it would be impossible for you.   Oops no do-overs, this will be on the internet until the end of time.

As one blogger to another, my birthday wish for you is that Google smiles upon you,  and that all of your posts be free of typo’s, your trackbacks  free of spam, your comments kind,  and that you receive lots of  link love from blogs with high page rank.

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5 Replies to “Happy Birthday”

  1. I am so confused. I thought his birthday was a few weeks ago – when his wife did not buy him the split computer screen because is desk is a mess. Ugh!

    Happy birthday Larry, I saw the smoke rings in NY and I figured DOH, it had to be your birthday.

  2. Happy birthday Lar!!

  3. Happy Birthday Lar,

    T, is it just a coincidence that Lar’s birthday post, with limited candles, came right after the fire department post?

    Or are you making a subliminal statement about the fire potential.

  4. Dave – I think I even mention the fire truck in this post so it would be safe to assume they are related. 🙂

    GPS? I never leave home without one. I find that I get the best results when I follow the great advice it gives me. One piece of advice, don’t talk to it when you have clients in your car.

    Christine, Dave – Miss you guys. You must be busy too. I know the market in Saskatoon is hot, and Christine the mega broker is just busy because she is so good. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, grab some cake but don’t get burned.

  5. Larry – that is great news. You are officially out of business now so you can take the day off. I know I would and it would be guilt free.

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