Fall real estate advertising campaign

I remember when I used to work with one of the big real estate companies. They had this room called a resource room with marketing materials we could use. There was one a marketing piece for each season on why ______ is the best time to sell a house. I guess for real estate agents every season is the best season to sell a home.

For homeowners, it isn’t that simple.

There are advantages and disadvantages to selling any time of year. Homes do not fetch as high of a price in the winter as they do in the spring but the difference isn’t huge and it all works out for home sellers who also wish to buy a home.

It takes longer to sell a home in January than it takes in June. In fact, it can take two or three times as long. In today’s market, a long time is less than 90 days.

I have listed and sold home in December. There are buyers out looking and there are usually fewer homes on the market in winter.

People who look at homes in the late fall and early winter are usually pretty motivated and it is the same with home sellers. Often people who need to relocate for work are out looking in fall so they can start a new job in January or February.

The spring buying season actually gets started in January so in some cases putting a home on the market in the winter results in an offer in January or February when the prices start going up again.

So . . is fall a good time to sell? I can honestly answer that question with “it depends” but for me, it is always a good time to sell a home because that is what I do. For everyone else the best time to sell is a personal decision. There really is no best time to sell. . . but if you want to sell, let me know I am always ready to sell real estate.


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