Energy Conscious

Xcel energy has been sending this little report to my home with charts and graphs and average energy costs.  It seems that we use 30% more energy than what the report calls our energy conscious neighbors.

Lightbulb I resent the implication that my neighbors are more energy conscious than I am. Ha!  We all use our homes differently and energy costs are impacted by many things.  I have a home office, and I start work while it is still dark out.  I run printers, and computers, lights and a bunch of electronic equipment.  My neighbors drive to work every morning and some don't even bother turning on the coffee pot, they grab a cup at the coffee shop on their way to work. 

That doesn't mean that I am not energy conscious.  I  turn off lights and turn my printers off when I am not using them and the computers too.  All of the appliances have high energy efficiency ratings as does most of my office equipment. The furnace though is another story . . .

Don't get me wrong I like the report that they send it makes me conscious of energy use and costs. It is possible to call excel energy to get the average monthly utility costs for a home.  The number is 1-800-895-4999, and it is useful information for home buyers but keep in mind that we don't all use our homes the same way.  A family or four will use more energy that a single person and a geek Realtor with a home office, and who has to use two monitors at all times, will use more energy than her energy conscious neighbors.

One Reply to “Energy Conscious”

  1. In Maryland Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) sent out a report to Baltimore County Residents last month stating that we use more energy per household in the region. It also was promptly followed up with “sign-up for 10% wind power for only 4 cents per kilowatt”.

    Could it be that they were targeting the larger and older homes in the area. Yes, I use a lot of electric! I attribute it to my old historic house that eats electric like popcorn at the movies!
    My questions to BGE was “Have you ever tried to heat a 3,000sf brick house with NO insulation in the walls that is covered in snow and ice?”

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