Daylight Savings time is for Realtors

 Daylight savings time is just for Realtors but it did not start out that way.  A long time ago someone decided that it would be better for farmers if it is really dark when they get up in the morning and still light out when they go to bed at night but only during the growing season which is why we have to set our clocks back to the right time in the Fall. 

These days daylight savings time is an opportunity for your local real estate agent to send you a reminder to set your clock ahead one hour and to list your home.  You can do both at the same time.  Please call now. 


Please don’t for get to set your clock one hour ahead before you go to bed because daylight savings time starts on Sunday March 11, 2012.  I would be remiss if I did not remind you all to change the batteries in those smoke detectors because if you don’t they will make a loud chirping noise before they die and that almost always happens late at night and only on the nights before early morning meetings or flights.  

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