Congratulations Andrew and Lisa

posted by (C)T

They just bought their first home.   We started looking last January.  First they had to find a Realtor, like many home buyers they were worried that we all have horns and a tail, more about the horns and tail in a future post.   It did take awhile to find that special home. It had to be in good repair and had to have everything they wanted for a good price and located in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul.

They came close to buying another home but before they could decide someone else bought it.  We found a home that was a bit over priced, and made an offer.  The seller countered at a price that was higher than the listing price.  The seller and his agent were not very good at math, but my buyers are.  That home has not been sold yet.

Everything worked out for the best because the home they bought has it all.  Andrew and Lisa are not house flippers or investors.  They wanted a home they could live in for the next several years. 

They wanted room to entertain, an office and a place to put their large television.   They wanted a yard so Andrew has something to mow, even though he does not have a lawn mower yet, and a kitchen that they can really cook in.  They wanted a home they could grow into and raise children in.

Congratulations to you both.  I wish you the best and many years of happiness in your new home, and I really enjoyed working with you.  Andrew I am sorry that the home did not have the mural in it like the one you admired so much in another home that we saw.   Lisa I guess you lucked out, the home does not have a wild life mural in it any where.

Note:  This is a great time to be a home buyer.  For those who want to live in St. Paul there are 2445 homes to chose from, and 25,134 in the Twin Cities Metro Area.

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One Reply to “Congratulations Andrew and Lisa”

  1. Terry McCahill says:

    Enjoy your blog Teresa…good stuff. Is it true that in 2004 there were only 7000 listings in the Twin Cities? Wow…25K today that is A LOT of inventory!

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