Category not found

Scholasticasaurus   What a lovely Friday!  Fridays are for fun here at St. Paul Real Estate.  I had considered doing a Tuesday fun post because Tuesday became a virtual Friday because Wednesday was a holiday.  I didn’t write it because Thursday was a virtual Monday, and I didn’t feel like writing a Monday post, on a Thursday.  It just didn’t feel right.

What a great segue into my Friday topic which is "musings".  Most blogs have a category called "musings" but mine does not.  I got to thinking about it, and had to stop because it was too much work, which is really why I don’t have a musings category.

The definition of musing is Deep in thought; contemplative, and musings are a product of thought.  I don’t think I muse.  Instead I have light random thoughts that move through my brain only to be replaced seconds later by unrelated thoughts.  It is busy in there, always something going on.  The speed at which I think helps me to multi task through my day, which consists of non-stop unrelated tasks.    Besides most people want a Realtor who will sell their home instead of thinking, or even musing about it. 

I thought I would try writing a musings post in case it is some kind of a requirement.  I already got in trouble with the blog police earlier this year and I don’t want to go through the hassle again.  The deep thoughts just won’t come, so these will have to do:

  • The the length of time it takes me to lose a pair of sunglasses is inversely proportional to how much I like them.
  • My property taxes just went up by 8%, while at the same time my the value of my property went down by 1%.  Honest I couldn’t make this stuff up.
  • How come other Realtors have great tag lines and every time I try to create one all I can come up with is "I am all that and a bag of chips"?  It is true, but what does it really mean? 
  • When I buy a mirror or a picture frame it always has a price sticker glued onto the front that has an adhesive that can not be ever be removed by any means know to man, or woman.
  • I wonder where my watch is?  Why do I wear a watch?  Everything I own has a built in clock.  If I spent less time looking for my watch I would have more time to muse.
  • Some food would be nice right now.  Too bad someone ate the last apple.  I like apples, I think I’ll go to the dairy queen it’s only a couple of blocks away.  It is dark out, what if I can’t wake the dog up?

It looks like I won’t be adding a category for musing to my blog any time soon, unless my Sunday guest writer Erik Hare needs it.  He is a writer.

Have a great weekend.  it is going to be a hot one.  Try not to think about the heat, you will stay cooler that way, muse about last January.

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One Reply to “Category not found”

  1. Thanks for the plug, T! This is a good day to muse a bit and take stock of where we are for the summer. It’s certainly a lousy day to bother people about potential writing gigs. So why not gather up all the small annoyances into one bag?

    You are “all that and a bag of chips”, and I do want to see real, actual bus benches with that on them. It’s got that Saint Paul flair. You deserve it!

    Meanwhile, we have to wind up this strange week. Thursday is Monday. Wednessday is Sundae at Carvel, or something like that (to give something to the East Coasters out there). May your musings find their muse and not get lost in the shuffle!

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