Beware of money wiring scams

Wire transfer scams are targeting attorneys, banks, title companies, and real estate professionals.

If you are buying or selling a home and you get an email asking you to wire money or send account information so that money can be wired to you, don’t do it.

Call your lender, real estate agent or title company using a phone number that you have already been given instead of the fake phone number in the email.

Please never give anyone your private information in an email, and avoid clicking on links or downloading files.

People call me about homes being advertised for rent that are not for rent. Scammers look for vacant homes and advertise them as rentals. When I put a home on the market I set up a google alert so that if it is being advertised for rent I’ll find out. I encourage homeowners to do the same.

Occasionally I get emails from that prince or princess who is in a foreign country but needs someone in the U.S. to help them get money out of the country.

They promise to pay me millions of dollars. The scam was pretty popular a decade ago and people fell for it.

For those who really want to give me money please just mail a check to my office.

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