Be more Humane

Upsidedown kitty cat

People seem to either love cats or hate them. This is my cat.  They do sleep 23 hours a day and then spend an hour looking for a place to sleep, and then there is the thing with the litter box.  At any rate they are popular pets.

Sometimes when people lose their homes they leave their cat behind. I have written about that before and I really don't want to write it again. 

Recently I encountered two situations where ther was a cat in an abandoned house. In both cases the animals had food and water but neither of them were happy.  One was injured or maybe sick and hiding in the basement.  I made some phone calls and understand that the situation has been taken care of. The other cat I found was starved for attention and kept trying to bite us. It sounded like it was crying when we entered the house.

I know my cat gets mighty upset if I am gone all day. She is a companion animal. She doesn't like to be left alone, even though she does sleep 23 hours a day.

Please don't leave your cat in your vacant house. Either bring it with or maybe a friend or family member can take care of it for you. 

Also see Domestic murderers

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One Reply to “Be more Humane”

  1. I havent seen this hear in Dallas but that is sad. I cant stand when folks mistreat animals. I myself am a dog lover. We have 3 blue heelers

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