Are You Serious?

by G. Sax (@gsax)

Ice World Us Minnesotans tell our friends from around the country that the wind chill is negative five and they ask, "Are you serious?"

Sure, we're serious. And sometimes it doesn't get above zero degrees Fahrenheit for a week. And then when it does, it snows 12 inches. And then the snow stops and the sun breaks through the clouds and it makes the earth freeze again and we're right back to negative numbers.

We get used to it. Some whine about winter (I sure used to), but even those folks know that enduring a particularly hearty winter equals an enjoyed spring sprint into summer and fall. Four seasons is something special, and there aren't too many places I know of that experience it as dramatically as we do.

And just as we're serious about our summer funnin', we get down for some winter love, too. But, hey, keep it clean, peoples of the Internet. I'm not talking about the fact that there seems to be a lot of Virgos around here. I'm talking about the passion people here have for their winter habits.

I have bunches of friends that play broomball and lament unseasonably warm winter weather.

Ice fishing is a pasttime of many popularized in the movie Grumpy Old Men. Some elaborate ice fishing houses were recently featured on an episode of "Minnesota Bound." I saw one that had a fireplace built inside.

The Saint Paul Winter Carnival was purposefully planted in the final week of January so it would feel most like winter. Many events are held outside, including a softball tournament, ice carving, snow sculpting, and two parades.

Outdoor ice rinks are prevalent in winter. And they're always full of skaters.

I went sledding with my daughter last week. It was dark and cold, but we were both sweating from all the laughter and hill climbing.

Our downtown buildings may be linked by skyways, and our homes may have attached garages, but these things are a simple matter of convenience.

We can still proudly answer the winter weather question "Are you serious?" with a shrug and a "Sure."

And then we strap on our skates or get out our fishing poles or even line up a few homes to look at. Because winter shows the real character of a home. Anyone can look great in June. It takes a true Minnesota beauty to shine in January! And you're not going to be stopped by a little ol' winter's breath of fresh air, are you?

Of course you're not. Get out and enjoy what's left of winter!

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One Reply to “Are You Serious?”

  1. I could not do it! We had a week of temps below 32 here in TX this winter and I thought I was going to die! I am guessing you think the same about our hot temps in the summer as I think about your cold temps in the winter!

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