Appointments with professionals

Boardman Realty

When I used to have a traditional job we had office hours and lots of meetings. I don’t really have office hours anymore but that doesn’t mean I am not working. Sometimes I am out showing houses or meeting with a client or listing a house.

Sometimes I have meetings and I go to classes.

Sometimes people just show up at my office and want to meet with me right away because they might want to move. They find that I am not there and will not be back for hours. Often they arrive at my office at the only time they can meet with me.

They usually go away because I can not meet with them on the spot. Sometimes I have appointments all day and can not change them so that I can meet with someone I don’t know who just happened to stop by because they might want to move.

Occasionally I can be found in my office with time on my hands and I will meet with someone who walks in off the street but you really can not count on it.

Just like working with an accountant or a lawyer or a colleague a work. You need to make an appointment. I’ll be there on time or early ready to give anyone who meets with me my undivided attention and effort.

What I find interesting is when I try to set up a meeting with these people who just show up, there isn’t any time that fits into their schedule and I never hear from them again.

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