Top agents on the internet

topThere is yet another web site where people can go to find “top” real estate agents. It all looks pretty impressive. I did a zip code search and found one local top agent. I did a little research and found that she has sold 3 homes in her career that seems to span a couple of years. The home that she sold that is the closest to my zip code is about thirty miles away. The internet is littered with sites where agents can pay to be the top agent in an area or a zip code.

The best way to find a really great agent is to call me if you live in the area or ask friends, neighbors and family members for a recommendation. If that doesn’t work pop in at a few open houses and talk to agents.  Most mortgage lenders know a good real estate agent but please if they tell you that a complimentary agent comes with the loan RUN!

There are also agents who give buyers some kind of rebate as in they give the buyer part of their own commission. I am not one of those agents. I use my skills and experience to save buyers more money than they could get from a rebate. I have been known to offer sellers discounts but never rebates.

Please do not become a lead. Start your home buying process by identifying a lender and then a real estate agent. Once you have chosen an agent you will be less likely to do something stupid like choosing a top agent from one of the many web sites where agents can pay to be a top agent.

2 Replies to “Top agents on the internet”

  1. Bob Horn says:

    Great item to post, Teresa. I never thought about researching these “Top Agents” and posting the stats for their home sales, but I love the idea! Glad you did it. In Florida, it’s an easy public records search to see now many sales an agent has made. I think that I will do this and see what I come up with for my area. Just for curiosity, which “Top Agent” site did you visit to select your not-so-top agent?


    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      Bob – I have never posted stats or even mentioned names. I have researched top agents on several sites over the years.

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