A quiet July 4th?

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun especially when tomorrow is July 4th. People got an early start with the fireworks this year. In the beginning of June, it was hard to tell the tear gas canister explosions from the cherry bombs. There was a segment on the national news about how people like to blow stuff up and fireworks are very popular this year.

Just like last year, we won’t have to worry about those pesky public fireworks displays in St.Paul. This year we don’t even have running water in the water in the parks.  The water fountains and features are turned off in St. Paul. There will definitely be fewer distractions this year over the holiday with so many events canceled.

We have food and alcohol and books and movies. I guess that will have to do.  I think I listed them in the order of importance too although food and alcohol are almost equally important.

Here are some pictures I took on July 4th during the before time.

July 4th 2014 – St. Paul, mn – at the state capitol. 
July 4th Fireworks in St. Paul over the Mississippi River. The year on the picture is wrong. This was probably taken in 2012 or 13. 

. . I have more but you get the idea. 🙂 Photographing fireworks can be tricky. It takes practice.

Please be careful this holiday weekend. Do not blow yourself up. Wear a mask when appropriate and keep your distance from other humans.

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