55 days of biking

My plans for the summer have changed. My plans were changed back in March because of COVID-19. My business is still open which is good but I want a little more out of my summer.  There is more to life than working and staying home so I have decided to challenge myself to ride my bike every day for the next 55 days. My goal is to ride a minimum of 500 miles, between July 1st and August 25th.

I started a Facebook group and invited some family, friends, and assorted neighbors and clients to bike every day for 55 days. The plan is simple. Bike anywhere any time of day and if so desired share pictures and comments or whatever. I’ll probably summarize my bike rides each week and share some pictures on this site.

There is already a “30 days of biking” event every April. I rarely participate because I don’t enjoy biking in snow or in subzero weather and I just hate getting road salt all over my bike. July and August have longer days and more sunny days and on average less wind. As a bonus, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming.

Biking is more fun on long summer days when it is warm enough to wear shorts and we can leave the gloves at home. On the hot days, I like to go early in the morning or in the evening. I plan to check the weather forecasts at the beginning of each week and do a little planning.

The event won’t be cancelled due to COVID-19 and it can be done outside while social distancing. I normally don’t wear a mask when I bike but always bring one with.

Here is a collage I made from a ride along the gateway trail from St. Paul to Maplewood and back again.

collage of pictures from bikeride
Bike ride
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