2020 the second half

Congratulations if you are reading this you survived half of 2020.  So far 2020 has been challenging but if you own a home in St.

French House

Paul, it is probably worth more than it was worth a year ago and if you want to sell your house it won’t take but a few days and you should get at least 100% of the asking price.  If you want to buy a house interest rates are lower now than they were at the beginning of the year.

Home buying has not slowed up but home selling has which is one of the many reasons why we need to build more houses. Affordable houses would be nice and maybe some more smallish single-story condos.

I know that houses can be made with 3D printers. I’ll never forget when we went to France and spent a week in a concrete house. It was amazing an home and energy-efficient too.

The second half of the year holds some promise. We have July 4th and Minnesota Primary elections on August 11 followed by  Labor Day to look forward to and the start of the school year at home or in classrooms.  We may end up with a Haloween with no trick or treaters and the children’s costumes will include masks of course.

Then comes one of my favorite days. Election day on November 3rd. I am going to vote like my life depends on it because it does. I am not looking forward to the socially distanced Thanksgiving. If I lived in a warmer climate I would have a big picnic on Thanksgiving.

Then Christmas which seems to be a national holiday but there are actually people who think that it used to be wrong to say “Christmas”. I get it. Sometimes the news is confusing and let’s face we can’t believe everything we hear and probably less than half of what we see.

I guess I am writing this because we made it this far and now have masks AND hand sanitizer and plenty of TP.

Those of us who have survived the first half of the year have a shot at making it to 2021. Let’s do this!

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