Garter snakes on the river bluff

I have lived in the West 7th neighborhood for most of my life. The block we live on is on the river bluff and the limestone is just beneath the soil. Garter snakes love it because the soil is warmer. Garter snakes love it. It isn’t unusual to see a few garter snakes sunning themselves on the basement window sills.

Occasionally a snake gets in the house. They can’t climb but they can fall in. They are not poisonous, they don’t have teeth and they usually slither away when someone comes near. They eat frogs, small mammals, earthworms, and insects. They hibernate in the winter.

Fear of snakes is common and some people have ophiophobia, which is an irrational fear of snakes. Over the years I have known people who bought houses that they could not live in due to fear of snakes.

It is best to ask about snakes before you buy. It is best to ask about anything that might affect your use or enjoyment of the property.

The snakes can be found anywhere in Minnesota and throughout St. Paul.

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